Sunday, March 3, 2013

Foster: "Do you believe in angels?"

Elai, the main character in Foster movie, plays the piano early morning before the foster couple wakes up.

Some couples do every single way to bear a child just because they can’t for whatever the reason is. Joey, the wife, could not conceive a child again after the catastrophic accident that claimed the life of her and Aleck’s only child. The reason is psychological, just because she is in trauma of what happened, her body resisted to bear a baby again in her womb.

The couple adopted, well not totally at first, Elai, a child from Lange Foster Homes. Elai is a genius; and he is energetic, just so awesome, and wise you can’t believe he’s just a child. Elai even help Aleck save his almost foreclosing toy business. Discoverer how the little child help the couple conceive a second baby. Elai is an angel to both of them.

Watch full Foster movie trailer in youtube:

Read synopsis of the movie here. [to be posted]


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Hey, there! I am Mark Bernard Nunez, graduate of Systems and Networks Administration in University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus. I'm currently a Programmer Analyst. I love writing -- just about anything, watching movies, discoverer new places, and talk to strangers, woaahh!